But, please Alice, I beseech you, I have zero time to look at my missed words. Can’t the misanthropes have maybe ten seconds to see the results? Or a few more than what is offered? I am keeping a list of words that should be used as well, imao.. I am a long word person, and find re- and -ed and re- -ed, missing. Like rehomed, which should be a word. And mochi, I will write more later, it just takes awhile to refresh my memory. Over all, actually, your dictionary is amazing and well thought out. Thank you, Your site will be huge, just wait… I friggin’ love it!
I have been saying the bonus letter room is my favourite…and I do love it there, but I’ve really started to love the quiet room. Not that I don’t appreciate the fun chat and the occasional woOooOo and emoji bomb (obviously), but I’m finding the silent room so peaceful and enjoying that whole vibe so much.
You’re very welcome. I look forward to meeting your friends.
Thank you so much! It’s perfect. I have posted on my Facebook page, and will keep bugging friends until they show up!
Hello Sasa. You’re right. I’ve put the intermission time for Silence! up to 12 seconds. I’ll take a peek at the word list later on. Thanks again.