Christmas is a magical time, it’s hard to choose just one.
on: 11 days agoThe decorations. Everything looks so pretty with the lights, especially in the snow.
on: 7 days agoI LOVED Sesame Street too Sys. I just love any excuse for celebrations and hate that this time of year is depressing or exclusive or about money or status or shopping. I do hold onto anything that resembles cultural happenings, traditions, etc. (adore Easter, July 4th, Halloween) and the idea that a holiday can be about giving and selflessness. I feel like our cyber culture has ruined true connections in so many ways. I do celebrate the ways we can actually connect with each other and want no one left behind. I think it is hard to be forced into a celebratory mood. And I get it, maybe there are flaws, details, birthdates, returning to the belly-button gazing so easily. I do enjoy the reprieve from the grind of everyday life and the joy of children. I just think of my dad, and how lovely he was as a young single parent, making things magical. I will never let go of that…
on: 8 days agoI voted gifts. But I want to specify, I meant receiving them, not giving them.
on: 8 days agoOoooh…i love Sesame Street and I adore Oscar. He’s so relatable. I’ll have to YouTube that.
on: 8 days agoI haven't celebrated Christmas since I was 10 years old, and I no longer have an emotional attachment to it. Like Lime if I went into all the reasons it would take way too long. My only attachment is to some of the music, which we get way too much of at this time of year and none at all the rest of the time. Why can't we sing songs about Jesus' birth the rest of the year, when he wasn't even born on Dec. 25 anyway? We don't limit songs about the crucifixion or resurrection to Easter, nor does every store and radio station dedicate a whole month of the year to playing Easter songs. But I digress. I LOVED this Christmas special that Sesame Street did way back in the 70s when I was a little kid. I go back to look at it every once in a while. My favorite song on it was Oscar singing "I hate Christmas!" Haha! I still remember the lyrics. Also love the movie "While You Were Sleeping", I suppose it's a Christmas movie since it happens during that time frame. I've lost count of how many times I've seen it.
on: 8 days agoI’m surprised nobody has voted for the food and drink…usually everybody goes on and on about the food and the alcohol.
on: 8 days agoI used to adore Christmas. I won’t go into all the reasons I no longer do, because it’s depressing and I’ll start rambling/ranting. 🤐 Despite the feeling of dread that this time of year brings, I do enjoy the occasional Christmas special tv episode (Doctor Who, Ghosts, various panel/quiz shows) or film (Die Hard is the best Christmas film, Muppet’s Christmas Carol is the second best). Having said that, I voted for the decorations…coz they’re sparkly and I like pretty lights. :D
on: 8 days agoMy favorite thing is enjoying my family and friends and reflecting on years past. I am so happy to not have to assemble complicated lego sets (that I bought on EBay because they were no longer available) after a jovial and very late going, annual Christmas Eve party…my son’s were always like: Santa will make it happen, he’s magic….lol, yes, SHE is….
on: 11 days ago